Bookmark Duplicate Detector. Helps you find, move and remove duplicate bookmarks. It also gives you a notice when you add a bookmark that’s already bookmarked.
DownloadHelper. Download videos and images from many sites. Useful for downloading videos from youtube.
Evernote Web Clipper. One of my best note keeping tools. Provides a button and context menus to easily add a selection or an entire page to Evernote.
Favicon Picker. Allows you to replace bookmark icons using the properties dialog.
FireGestures. Executes various commands on your browser (like closing your current window) with mouse
gestures. Very cool when you are a mouse person.
FoxClocks. Displays local times around the world in the statusbar/toolbar. Supports virtually all time zones. Very helpful when you work with different people in different time zones.
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer. Synchronizes your bookmarks across machines. Very nifty if you switch between two or more computers and use a browser extensively.
LogMeIn Remote Access Plugin. If you haven’t tried this service yet and you keep using the windows Remote Desktop, I suggest you try it and see the difference.
ScribeFire. A full feature blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog. Matter of fact, all of the posts here are courtesy of ScribeFire.
SearchStatus. Display the Google PageRank and Alexa ranking with search-related tools. Pretty accurate most of the time.
SeoQuake. Quick view of site parameters in the search engine result page. Very helpful for SEO and wannabes like me.
Smart Bookmarks Bar. Hides bookmark’s names in the bookmarks bar. Keeps your bookmark toolbar neat and clean.
Tamper Data. View and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers etc. Track and time http requests, very handy for debugging web sites.
Web Developer. Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools. Extremely helpful for web developers and designers.
I know there are plenty more great add-ons out there that I should have in my arsenal, but I’m a minimalist and I only install what I need and use. This is just my personal preference working as a project manager and developer. I’m using the latest Firefox version 3 and so far with these add-ons, I never had any crashes or freezes yet. Or then again, I guess I’m just lucky. ^_^