native Win32 Linux commands! This is a better option than running Cygwin since applications run on native (that word again) Win32 mode and not in an emulation. This means the commands run right off the bat, no need to rebuild apps from source, pretty cool eh? So to get these commands running on your computer, download the original archive here and also get the updates here. Uncompress all the files to some location like C:\bin and add this to your path environment. Commands included in the archive are the following:
agrep.exe ansi2knr.exe basename.exe bc.exe bison.exe bunzip2.exe bzip2.exe bzip2recover.exe cat.exe chgrp.exe chmod.exe chown.exe cksum.exe cmp.exe comm.exe compress.exe cp.exe csplit.exe cut.exe date.exe dc.exe dd.exe df.exe diff.exe diff3.exe dir.txt dircolors.exe dirname.exe du.exe echo.exe egrep.exe env.exe expand.exe expr.exe factor.exe fgrep.exe find.exe flex.exe fmt.exe fold.exe fsplit.exe gawk.exe gclip.exe gplay.exe grep.exe gsar.exe gunzip.exe gzip.exe head.exe id.exe indent.exe install.exe join.exe jwhois.exe less.exe lesskey.exe libfl.a libfl.lib ln.exe logname.exe ls.exe m4.exe make.exe makedepend.exe makemsg.exe man.exe md5sum.exe mkdir.exe mkfifo.exe mknod.exe mv.exe mvdir.exe nl.exe od.exe paste.exe patch.exe pathchk.exe pclip.exe pr.exe printenv.exe printf.exe ptx.exe pwd.exe recode.exe rm.exe rman.exe rmdir.exe sdiff.exe sed.exe seq.exe sha1sum.exe shar.exe sleep.exe sort.exe split.exe stego.exe su.exe sum.exe sync.exe tac.exe tail.exe tar.exe tee.exe test.exe touch.exe tr.exe tsort.exe type.exe uname.exe unexpand.exe uniq.exe unrar.exe unshar.exe unzip.exe uudecode.exe uuencode.exe wc.exe wget.exe wget.hlp which.exe whoami.exe xargs.exe yes.exe zcat.exe zip.exe zsh.exeSpecial thanks to Karl M. Syring for this awesome work. You sir provide a ray of hope to humanity. ]]>